Question all, find the way
About Oar What
About Oar What

About Oar What

Oar What was created to present truths found in scripture and society and how they relate to us. We will attempt to answer age-old questions like Why are we here? and If God is so good… Most of us have heard the phrase Question authority, we say Question everything. Our intention is to ask questions and follow up with answers; after all, the Bible itself teaches us to do so.

This is not intended to be a bible study site per se, but is intended to reveal hidden truths found in many parts of our lives. We will discuss an array of perspectives that we hope will guide you to the truths of it all.

We are not professional writers by any stretch. The writers here are not professional historians or philanthropists or theologians, we are simply lay-people who enjoy God’s Word, questioning everything, then connecting the dots. We hope you will enjoy what we present in our posts. Our prayer is that the content here will inspire critical thinking and guide you to the absolute truth of it all – God’s Plan. Question all, find the way!